Systematic Reviews

Module Content Types of systematic reviews Planning a systematic review Core components of a systematic review Formulating the question for a systematic review Eligibility Criteria Study Identification Quality assessment and data extraction Meta-analysis, meta-synthesis, heterogeneity, subgroup and sensitivity analyses Structured

Culture, Health and Illness

Aims This course explores concepts of ‘sickness’ and health-seeking behaviours across societies. We take seriously diverse ways of knowing and treating personhood, the body, life and death, disorder and disease. We view health and illness in their social context arguing

Health Informatics and ICT

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is quickly gaining momentum in the field of international development. There is currently much academic debate about the role of ICT for development (ICT4D), and how ICT4D can be implemented, scaled and sustained in low-

Media and Advocacy

This module introduces key concepts relating to the critical study of the mass media, especially the relationship between media and health; and the essential components of advocacy, and the role of communication and media in successful health advocacy initiatives. Module

Nutrition and Global Health

Available evidence suggests that a considerable proportion of the world’s population, especially poor women and children in low‐income settings, are malnourished. Directly and indirectly, nutrition is related to each of the millennium development goals (MDGs), therefore without addressing the problems

Human Resources and Health

The module will deal with the importance of human resources in health care delivery, planning and management of human resources, challenges facing the Health sector workforce and major human resource for health issues. Module Content Human resources and health an


This module is an introduction to basic principles and methods of epidemiology. Understanding the aetiology of disease is a prerequisite if one is to interfere in disease occurrence or progression. Identification of risk factors and limitation of harmful exposures can