Leadership Development – Elective Module – Postgraduate Certificate in Innovation & Entrepreneurship

The Postgraduate Certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship is a programme designed to transform PhD scholars into energetic, resourceful and entrepreneurial thinkers. In the course of the programme, students are encouraged to uncover and exploit potential within their thesis research. The

Protecting Your Idea – Elective Module – Postgraduate Certificate in Innovation & Entrepreneurship

 The Postgraduate Certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship is a programme designed to transform PhD scholars into energetic, resourceful and entrepreneurial thinkers. In the course of the programme, students are encouraged to uncover and exploit potential within their thesis research. The

Creative Capital: Financing Your New Venture – Elective Module – Postgraduate Certificate in Innovation & Entrepreneurship

The Postgraduate Certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship is a programme designed to transform PhD scholars into energetic, resourceful and entrepreneurial thinkers. In the course of the programme, students are encouraged to uncover and exploit potential within their thesis research. The

Planning Your New Venture – Elective Module – Postgraduate Certificate in Innovation & Entrepreneurship

 The Postgraduate Certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship is a programme designed to transform PhD scholars into energetic, resourceful and entrepreneurial thinkers. In the course of the programme, students are encouraged to uncover and exploit potential within their thesis research. The

Opportunity Generation and Recognition – Core Module 2 – Postgraduate Certificate in Innovation & Entrepreneurship

The Postgraduate Certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship is a programme designed to transform PhD scholars into energetic, resourceful and entrepreneurial thinkers. In the course of the programme, students are encouraged to uncover and exploit potential within their thesis research. The

Creative Thinking & Innovation – Core Module 1 – Postgraduate Certificate in Innovation & Entrepreneurship

The Postgraduate Certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship is a programme designed to transform PhD scholars into energetic, resourceful and entrepreneurial thinkers. In the course of the programme, students are encouraged to uncover and exploit potential within their thesis research. The

Drug Design and Development

Bringing a drug from bench to bedside is cross disciplinary. This module enables scholars to put their own research in context and to understand the key parameters in the development of potential novel therapeutics.